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Have you ever wandered whats in store bought mayonnaise? Me too! I still can’t understand why store bought mayonnaise is so white. I mean don’t get me wrong that snow white mayonnaise is delicious. However mayonnaise is made from oil and eggs. That is all that is required to make mayonnaise. Your seasonings and the type of oil you use can change. But you will always be using either whole eggs or egg yolk. So how is store bought mayonnaise white? Anyway while I was pondering over this question. I began to look into how to make my own mayonnaise. That’s when I came across bacon mayonnaise. So here is how to make all natural homemade bacon mayonnaise. Spoiler alert! It’s yellow.

You may be thinking how is this bacon mayonnaise? I don’t see the bacon bits. Well the oil we are using is bacon grease!
I know. Most people are put off by the word grease. However this is a naturally occurring fat that you get when you cook bacon. Our ancestors have been using animal fats of all kinds for centuries. If you have good clean quality meats. There is no reason for you not to use those fats.
Speaking of fats you may want to check this post out Homemade Beef Tallow. How to Make, Store and Use.
Now is this mayonnaise good for you? Well yes ………… and no. Yes it is a clean natural mayonnaise that has no preservatives and has not been processed. However it is a lot of fat (like any other type of mayonnaise) so that is up to you on your personal intake.
I personally think this is delicious and it costs us pennies to make! Which is very important right now. Over the past few years the cost of mayonnaise has skyrocketed.
There are some tools I recommend you have.
Other than the bacon grease and two eggs that’s all you need folks! I know crazy right.
Well technically you could make mayonnaise without the mason jar and the bacon grease strainer but they do make life easier.
First take your one cup of bacon grease and heat it up to liquefy it if it is cold. You do not want it hot just warm enough to liquefy it. If it is to hot it will cook your eggs and we don’t want that.
Put your bacon grease in your wide mouth mason jar.
Next put two egg yolks in the grease. You can play with this a little here. Some people use just the yolks, some use whole eggs and some people use one yolk and one whole egg. I say try it every way and pick which one you like the best. I personally like using whole eggs. After you have made the mayonnaise and place it in the refrigerator it will solidify some. This is because of the bacon grease, however using two eggs will make it thin enough it will become spreadable.
Let your eggs sit in the grease for a moment to sink to the bottom of the jar.
Put in your immersion blender and blend. It will only take a few seconds and you will see it emulsifying into mayonnaise.
Now is where you will get to really play with the flavor. If you taste it at this point you will say this is terrible and it is! Girl she needs salt and pepper! Salt and pepper to taste.
The next big component of good mayonnaise is an acid. This can be lemon juice, white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Again you can play with this to your taste. I like to start with two teaspoons apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon white vinegar. Sometimes I splash in a little more depending on my taste for the day.
Now optional seasonings to your mayonnaise is paprika, garlic and a teaspoon of mustard. So just FYI mayonnaise is a blank canvas of fat and you are creating the flavor. If you use mustard to season your mayonnaise it will taste like mustard. If you love mustard that’s great. It may be what your looking for. However I find mustard to be to overpowering for my mayonnaise. I do love using paprika and a little garlic though.

The final tasting should be something you like but its going to be thin. Don’t worry remember after it cools in the refrigerator it will thicken up to a spreadable mayonnaise. It will also have time to marry flavors. So after it cools for a few hours it should taste better then when you first made it.

Now you have non-processed homemade natural bacon mayonnaise with no preservatives! Enjoy and save the bacon grease!!!