Category: Saving Money

  • 10 Ways To Save Money On Your Electric Bill

    10 Ways To Save Money On Your Electric Bill

    I don’t know about y’all but every month it seems our electric bill is more and more expensive. Its something we have to be conscious about. I wish I could say we had solar panels and our electricity was free. However that’s just not realistic for us right now. We do have a few tips…

  • How To Make Your Chickens Pay For Themselves.

    How To Make Your Chickens Pay For Themselves.

    So your thinking of getting chickens, or maybe you already have chickens. Those little dinosaurs can cost a pretty penny to care for. You have your feed cost, supplements, bedding and if we are being honest with ourselves the chicken coop! Those costs add up quickly, especially if you are just starting out. Your first…

  • Do You Need Money To Start Homesteading?

    Do You Need Money To Start Homesteading?

    Imagine I am screaming from the top of the cow barn NO!!!! It does not take money to start homesteading. Homesteading, self sufficiency, prepping is a mind set and a way of life. Sure it takes money to add to your homestead. If you are adding chickens for the first time it will take some…

  • Does Homesteading Really Save Money? Lets Talk About It!

    Does Homesteading Really Save Money? Lets Talk About It!

    So does homesteading really save you money? This is a complicated answer, and in my opinion really focuses more on your goals in life then money. So what do I mean by that? Well when you homestead no matter what scale your on, most homesteaders end goals are to be as self-sufficient as they possibly…

  • Top 7 Ways to Stock a Pantry on a Budget

    Top 7 Ways to Stock a Pantry on a Budget

    I am a firm believer every home should have a well stocked pantry. Homesteading and prepping overlap in many ways and I believe this is one of them. However it doesn’t matter which side you call yourself a homesteader or a prepper we should all be prepared in some way. I know what some of…