Category: Homemade Staples

  • How To Make Homemade Deli Meat!

    How To Make Homemade Deli Meat!

    Have you ever stepped back and tried to take a look at how much you spend on groceries? We do that with our finances ever so often. I noticed deli meat was a big chunk of what I spend in a month. I mean you want good quality food. So I would get our deli…

  • How to Make Croutons for Free

    How to Make Croutons for Free

    Here on our homestead reducing food waste is extremely important. Not only does it reduce waste but it SAVES you money. And who doesn’t need or want to save money these days? Everything is so expensive every little purchase really adds up. Even something as small as a bag of croutons! Not to even mention…

  • How To Make Chicken Stock For Free

    How To Make Chicken Stock For Free

    There are so many items in our kitchen we could reuse that we normally throw in the trash. On our homestead we try very hard to make the most out of what we have. One of the biggest ways we do that is by making homemade broths and stocks. Some of the reasons why I…

  • 5 Ways to Reduce Food Waste that Will Save Money!

    5 Ways to Reduce Food Waste that Will Save Money!

    In today’s world everyone’s trying to be more frugal.  Who can blame them? Everything is expensive.  As for my family, we have been on the self-sustainable lifestyle journey for a lot longer than the hard times were in today. But even with us already being frugal and working towards self-sustaining. Inflation has made us look…

  • Homemade Beef Tallow. How to make, store and use!

    Homemade Beef Tallow. How to make, store and use!

    So a few months back, some of our family members got their cattle farm USDA certified and started wholesaling their beef. Of course when they told us that was their plan. We were super excited to have a great local source of homegrown beef. Plus we know for a fact they are raised humanely and…