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Hey Ya’ll and welcome to our blog! My name is Jessie. My husband and I both are from Western North Carolina in the Great Smokey Mountains! Both our families have been in the same areas for generations. We love these mountains and couldn’t live anywhere else.

However we have had a constant pull on our hearts to be as self-sufficient as possible especially the last few years! We have been homesteading for about 6 years now and we have learned a lot. Our day to day involves lots of gardening, canning, raising chickens, bees, herbal medicine and having a traditional foods kitchen. Even though we have learned a lot over the years, we do NOT know it ALL. We would love for you to come on this wild journey with us. So we can share and learn from one another.

During such hard times as these we believe community is so important. So we decided to start this blog. We pray to help others with what we have and continue to learn.

Hey Ya’ll I’m Jessie!

I will walk by faith even when I cannot see.

2 Corinthians 5:7