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I don’t know about y’all but every month it seems our electric bill is more and more expensive. Its something we have to be conscious about. I wish I could say we had solar panels and our electricity was free. However that’s just not realistic for us right now. We do have a few tips and tricks we use to get that bill down. Here is our 10 Ways to Save money on Your Electric Bill!

- Turn Off Those Lights! I’ll be the first one to admit we are so bad at this! One minute your doing laundry the next you look through the house and every light is on. Then I hear Trace Adkins singing Every Light In The House Is On and the back yards bright as the crack of dawn. It’s a hard habit to break but one you have to work on. When you go out of a room turn the light off.

2. Unplug Chargers! Did you know things that do not have an on and off button. Like cell phone chargers for example constantly use power. So pretty much any charger that you let live in the wall is wasting power.
3. Unplug Small Appliances! Yes that coffee pot that is only used in the morning. It uses electricity all day to keep that small clock with the light going. Now if your coffee pot is simple with no clock it is not using power until you turn it on. However any small appliances with a light or clock on. While you are not using it, they are using small amounts of electricity to keep the light on.

4. Don’t Use Your Clothes Dryer! This is a big power saver. If your like us and your clothes dryer is older. It most likely uses a lot of power. I can tell a big difference when the weather is pretty and I can dry our clothes out on the clothes line. Our power bill is $15 to $20 cheaper. If you don’t like the way your clothes feel after they have been air dried on the line. A good tip is to put your clothes in the dryer for a touch up. If your dryer doesn’t have touch up cycles just dry them for 5 to 10 mins. It will make them soft like they were dried in the dryer but not run the dryer for an hour.
5. Update Really Old Appliances! I know this one can be hard to do. As I said our dryer is really old. However those really old appliances are just not as efficient as new ones. We all want to use something until it breaks but some cases its better to get rid of them. We had an old freezer that was OVER 20 years old. I just could not understand why I couldn’t get the power bill down. Well it was when we finally ditched the 20 year old freezer it went down $20. Yes we had to spend big money to buy the new one but it is reliable and way more energy efficient.

6. Cook Outside! Cooking outside is one of my favorite things to do. Your oven really sucks the energy to run. Now if its raining or its winter and snowing you may not be able to cook outside. However there are lots of times you can. You also have options on how you want to cook! You could grill if you have one or cook over a fire pit. Then my favorite is to use my All Seasons Solar Cooker or as I say my sun oven.

7. Update Old Light Bulbs! This one is not going to be a big money saver but still something to consider. When old light bulbs go out consider buying new energy efficient ones.
8. Limit The Use Of Central Heating And Air! I know this one can be hard especially if your super hot or super cold. However there are small things you can do to try and help keep your house cooler or warmer. Your windows for example can do so much to help you in the summer time. If you get up and open your windows when it is cool in the morning that can help get your house cooler at the start of your day. Same thing in the late evening. Now during the winter time your oven or a crock pot is a great way to help warm your home. I know I said don’t use your oven much but if it is really cold outside it can be serving two purposes at once. One cooking your food and two warming your house some. You wouldn’t believe how much the oven warms your home. Let’s say you have a ham in the oven, when your done turn the oven off and crack the door open. It will really make a difference.

9. Air Dry The Dishes! Now I love my dishwasher. I feel it is so much easier and cheaper for me to use it. But one thing you can do to save money is let your dishes air dry naturally. Turn off the dry cycle on the dishwasher. When they are done washing just open the door and let them dry over night.

10. Wash Clothes In Cold Water! When using your water heater it takes a lot of energy. So something as simple as washing your clothes in cold water could really help. It’s one less thing your water heater has to heat. Plus they will get as clean as hot water. Now I will say if your clothes are extremely dirty like my husbands you may need hot water. I cannot wash his clothes in cold water and them get clean. Trust me I have tried! They are always covered in diesel fuel and grease. The rest of our clothes do just fine in cold water.
Well there you have it. 10 Ways to Save Money on your Electric Bill. I hope these tips have helped you save some money even if it is just a little. Every little bit helps. If you like this post you may also enjoy Top 7 Ways to Stock a Pantry on A Budget! or Do You Really Need Money to Start Homesteading?.
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